465 Halstead

Address: 465 North Halstead Street Pasadena, California
Purchased: November 2013
Price: Confidential
Size: 238,000 square feet


465 Halstead, originally developed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory/NASA, is located just north of the 210 Freeway.

The property was institutionally owned and in fair condition at the time of purchase, but was only 50% occupied.

The property offers a 3.4/1,000 square foot parking ratio, making 465 Halstead an ideal property for both corporate and back office uses.

Since taking ownership, Edgewood and Divco West implemented a comprehensive repositioning, with significant improvements to the exterior, common areas, and tenant spaces, including the addition of a striking exterior elevator. Combined with an aggressive leasing program, we increased occupancy to 90%.

Status – The project was sold in June of 2016.